The Faculty of Engineering has successfully concluded an enriching two-week Summer School Exchange Program for students from Beihang University in China. From July 1st to 12th, 20 students – 15 from Beihang University and 5 from the University of Nairobi – immersed themselves in a dynamic exchange of knowledge and expertise. This program is part of a collaborative agreement between the University of Nairobi and Beihang University to promote joint research, educational activities, and international experience.

The student exchange program was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of contemporary engineering challenges and solutions, focusing on key areas such as global climate, health, green energy, and the engineering profession's evolving landscape. It was an intense yet rewarding journey for the participants, blending technical knowledge with practical experiences.

The curriculum boasted an impressive roster of instructors, all renowned experts and scholars from the Faculty of Engineering. Professor Faith Karanja led discussions on Global Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and GIS, while Professor Kamucha shed light on Engineering Solutions in Health. Professor Njoroge provided insights into Environmental Engineering, focusing on waste and ventilation systems. The program also explored Green Energy in Agriculture with Professor Mbuge, and Dr. Kiruki offered a glimpse into the exciting world of nano-satellites and their implementation. Professor Ayub Gitau rounded out the program with a session on the Engineering profession and accreditation in Africa.

Beyond academics, the program fostered cultural exchange and friendships between students from both universities. This intensive program serves as a springboard for continued collaboration between UoN and Beihang University, paving the way for future breakthroughs and innovative problem-solving.

The collaborative agreement between University of Nairobi and Beihang University extends beyond the Summer School. It paves the way for a multifaceted partnership encompassing joint research projects, faculty and student exchange programs, and collaborative publications. This comprehensive approach aims to bridge the gap between universities and foster a global engineering community.