
I am an electrical engineer currently working with Vivo Energy Kenya. I began working in the oil and gas industry in the year 2018 after a short stint at Ken- Gen. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology from where I graduated in 2016.  

My work has focused on providing renewable energy solutions to households and commercial customers. In that capacity, my primary clients have been private sector entities andcounty governments, mainly in Kenya.

 The work over the past 5 years can be summarized as covering the following subjects:

· The design and evaluation of inspection and maintenance programs.

· Investigations into the effectiveness of techniques and technologies for measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and,

 · System Design and Levelized Cost of Electricity Assessment for Solar PV Electrification: Case Study of Kalisasi Village, Mwingi Sub-County, Kitui County


System Design and Levelized Cost of Electricity Assessment for Solar PV Electrification: Case Study of Kalisasi Village, Mwingi Sub-County, Kitui County

There is significant evolution underway in the electric power sector, with increased harnessing of renewable energy sources and efforts to decarbonize the energy system. Not only has technological innovation driven dramatic capital cost declines in renewable energy systems, but favorable policies too have also accelerated the deployment of these systems. Further, consumers want to manage energy costs and assure reliability of their electricity supplies. But because consumers producing their own energy independent of energy utility companies is a relatively new and growing trend, there still exist opportunities for research to better understand the trend and generate better insight to aid decision-making. From the consumers’ perspective, limited understanding due to little information available means that their decision-making relies on estimation and projections. Most of the done studies are hardly academic in nature and the results of projects’ analyses are not generally available to the public. Further, the application of solar PV electrification is site-specific, with a need to understand the site load and its characteristics as well as the prevailing solar energy resource in order to arrive at objective conclusions. This study performed a techno-economic evaluation of solar PV electrification at Kalisasi Village, Mwingi Sub-County, Kitui County, with specific focus on determination and characterization of the electrical load at the site, assessment of the solar energy resource, sizing of the solar PV system and determination of the levelized cost of energy (LCoE).

Research Supervisors

  1. Prof. Wekesa Cyrus
  2. Dr. Peter Moses Musau
Graduand unit
Mechanical Engineering
Graduand Level
Graduand Convocation
Graduand MonthYear
December 2022
Graduand Programme
Master of Science in Energy Management