The UNSA elections held on March 27, 2024, marked a significant moment for student democracy at the University of Nairobi. Team Megga's triumph in the Faculty of Engineering has set the course for the upcoming academic year. The newly elected members who assumed office are as follows:

Sam Philip Omollo Odoyo: Chairperson

Glory Wanja: Vice-Chairperson

Chrisfavour Immanuel Ayuku: Secretary General

Zanele Mkula Louise: Treasurer

Mbithi Jackson Nduva: Sports & Social Welfare Representative

Joseph Mokora Moya: Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Representative

Abuk Nyang: International Students Representative

The election process was conducted in accordance with the UNSA Constitution, utilizing the Eballot platform that allowed students to cast their votes online from anywhere in the country. This innovative approach contributed to a higher voter turnout, with 45.7% participation compared to last year's 38%.

The swearing-in ceremony, held at the University's Taifa Hall on March 28, 2024, was a vibrant affair filled with cheers and celebrations as Team Megga officially assumed their roles representing the student body. The ceremony was graced by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama, who emphasized the importance of collaboration between the university administration and UNSA leaders in maintaining the institution's reputation as a transformative force in society.

During his address, Prof. Collins Odote, the Chair of the UNSA Independent Electoral Commission, commended the increased participation of students in this year's elections, highlighting the progress made since 2022. He also acknowledged the challenges faced by the commission, including tight timelines, and called for early appointment of commissioners in future electoral cycles.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kiama, pledged his support to work closely with UNSA leaders to implement solutions that enhance the university's standing and create more work-study opportunities for students to contribute meaningfully to the industry.

The UNSA elections of 2024 not only showcased the democratic spirit and engagement of the University of Nairobi's student body but also set the stage for collaborative efforts aimed at advancing the institution's academic excellence and societal impact. Team Megga's victory signals a new chapter of leadership and partnership within the university community, promising a bright future for all stakeholders involved.

Watch Swearing in Ceremony: